Added on 27.03.13

Any serious marketer needs to have DupeFree pro in their marketing toolbox, I’ve tried many other similar tools that don’t offer as many features and options as DupeFree pro does!
Just excellent!
Added on 31.12.11
What else can I say about DupeFree Pro except it has helped me tremendously in my articles to upload.
Thanks again for creating such an awesome tool!!
Lezlie Howard-Perry
Added on 30.12.11
What can I say -- I love this tool!
Getting the extra license is a great holiday treat, but even without the incentive I wholeheartedly recommend this tool.
I've been an online writer/editor/search engine marketer for years and this is one of the finest tools I've ever come across. I also work with web developers and I'm technically inclined myself so I appreciate the effort and dedication that went into DFP's development. It's a sophisticated, robust but easy-to-use tool -- unlike many poorly developed, broken, boring, limited-function alternatives in the market today (if there's anything like it at all).
I happened upon DupeFree Pro while looking for a time-saving tool to help me check multiple articles for duplicate content. I landed on the site looking for the old free version (mentioned in past forums) but I must say the new paid version is worth every dollar.
The ability to expand DFP using modules according to one's needs is rather clever. The Online Check module takes the chore out of checking for duplicate content across the 3 major search engines. You can go make yourself a cup of coffee and it even finishes the job before you do. The Bulk Compare gives you a color-coded visual matrix comparing your multiple articles so you can tell at a glance which articles need extra tweaking. DFP is powerful, yet not complicated to use. I can't wait to try out the other modules!
Added on 30.12.11

I started out using DupeFree Pro v1 and thought that was a great product. But when I saw version 2 I was blown away! As a former java programmer myself, I saw the design value in creating modular add-ins so that more functionality can be easily added in or removed at a later date without affecting the core program. Version 2 is also more intuitive. As soon as you load your content, it starts working to compare the differences. It just knows.
I lost my regular job about two years ago. Then about a year ago I took the plunge into internet marketing. I learned a lot about IM in this time period, but the message that kept getting repeated to me was "Content is King." This is where DupeFreePro comes in. It offers many benefits, but two that I would highlight are 1) It saves you time and 2) makes your content likeable by the search engines. I explain these two benefits in my video.
I love this tool.
Tom Moy
Added on 30.12.11

When I installed the software for the first time, I noticed quickly that was very well kept the design, functionality and reporting. I finally decided, and now I use a Pro version.
With TTP, I do follow-ups of my projects, and the truth, I am very satisfied.
Added on 30.12.11

I first heard of DupeFree Pro in February 2011 from being on a fellow marketer's webinar about SEO.
I like the feature of using this software to help you with keywords and to keep you from using duplicate content.
Thanks for a great product.
Added on 29.12.11

As a freelance writer and stay-at-home-mom, DupeFreePro has been an amazing addition to my both my personal and professional life.
Professionally, in addition to creative and researched article writing, I do a lot of article rewriting and hand spinning for clients, which requires unique content as well as keyword density. By checking my articles BEFORE submission, I am able to deliver above and beyond my buyer's needs, get more work done faster, and stand out as several people’s #1.
Personally, the time saved by using DFP has helped me to spend less time visually checking my work and more time tending to my kids (or sleeping!). I seriously would not be as good of a freelance writer or mother without the help of DFP. Thank you, sincerely.
Added on 29.12.11
Simply put, DupeFreePro is an amazing tool I have found while searching for a software product that could rid my website of duplicate content.
Three years ago, I was not aware of the extent duplicate content could harm a website by hurting its reputation in the eyes of Google. Whenever I was researching on the web in an effort to write a new article, I never knew how much I was losing by quoting a higher percentage of phrases from articles written by other authors.
Then, one day, I came to know about this duplicate content issue and how much it is frowned upon by Google. I was searching for some tool that could help me detect how unique my newly written article was. I was lucky that I found DupeFreePro. The best thing I have found in DupeFreePro is the ability to adjust the length of the phrase to be matched against a previously written piece of content.
I highly recommend DupeFreePro to anyone looking to improve their website's reputation in the eyes of Google. And I'm sure all webmasters understand how important it is!
Hats off to DupeFreePro and keep up the good work!
Added on 29.12.11

Truth be told, DupeFree Pro is hands-down the fastest and best way to create "unique high quality content." I used to use spinners, and even though they did a decent job "spinning" content, they failed miserably on the "one essential element" that really boosts your "readability". Your voice. Your personality. The real power of DupeFree Pro is I can quickly and easily create great content that's infused with my personality while actually enjoying writing more. That's because DupFree Pro makes it "easy" and "fun". Oh by the way, I'm running DupeFree Pro on my iMac using VirtualBox running Windows 7, and it runs smooth as silk. :)
Added on 29.12.11

Although I had used DupeFree Pro for a long time, I was a little hesitant when it came to upgrading to version 2 because it seemed like such a huge upgrade with a time-consuming learning curve. Finally, however, I took the plunge and I am very glad I did!
I own a number of websites for which I both write and outsource content and there is no doubt that DupeFree Pro is the quickest and easiest way to not only check that my content is unique but, where there is a problem, it is also the fastest and simplest way to correct that problem.
I used to have a premium account for Copyscape, but I stopped paying for their service as soon as I started using DupeFree Pro 2.
Added on 28.12.11
I have been using DupeFreePro for some years now and find this program to be highly effective. I spend about 4 hours per month sourcing software and other products to save time in my work and I was very lucky to find this. Many of the programs I came across where simply not up to par with this one.
Added on 28.12.11
I have been using your software for all my seo projects and it is a fantastic tool!
I recommend it to everyone who needs quality unique content in order to improve thier site rankings in Google.
Added on 28.12.11
Being new to IM and finally breaking out of the learning stage I obviously had some concerns about getting things right!
Finding and using DupeFree Pro has allowed me to address one of my fears - duplicate content.
I feel much more confident now that I know my content is OK and the quality of the tool and ease of use make it so easy!
Added on 28.12.11
I have been using your software and i must say it's very good to use, even for a beginner like me.The content creation much easier.
Thank you very much!
Added on 28.12.11
I have had DupeFreePro for a while and have only recently begun writing.
I LOVE this tool... It makes writing a whole lot
easier and faster. The keyword density feature is
fabulous. thank you, thank you, thank you
Karen Stavert
Added on 28.12.11

My focus point with this testimonial is not to highlight the advantage one may get by using DupeFree, because if you didn't try for yourselves I don't know how this testimonial will convince you.
However, it's the expertise in **CUSTOMER CARE** that makes this product unique. Being in a different time zone, the customer service team showed willingness to get my issue resolved. It was a problem that others might have defined as the fault of others, but they tried to come up with ideas on how to correct this installation issue promptly.
Recommended? YES.
You get good return on investment? ABSOLUTELY!
John R. Deblasto
Added on 28.12.11
I set up a system that rewards people for generating articles, press releases, class ads, and other ways to create traffic and SEO rank for my website. It lets me pay them to build income for all of us.
When they write articles and submit them to me, DupeFreePro lets me quickly check the articles they create and verify they are sufficiently unique to publish on my website for content.
Added on 28.12.11

DupeFree gives the amazing results within the time limit and accuracy which reaps the benefit for the future.
I love Dupefree as it helps you to identify the exact results and analyse it properly.
I would recommend to go for Dupefree if you are the right person to use it.
Sachin Gadgil
Added on 28.12.11
I have wanted to write for a long time... I write sporadically... and had never written with confidence... until I began using DupeFreePro
I practiced, using different ebooks and whatnot that I had on my computer.
I found that, by looking at the words of someone else, MY own words flowed much easier and smoother... I was far more able to say how I felt/what I believed in MY OWN WORDs, using DupeFreePro..
I had not really understood keywords and long tail keywords before... when I started rewriting and paying attention to the words being used, that all became clearer and I was more easily able to use the keywords in my newly written articles.
I'm thrilled to see just how little the new article resembles the original in terms of the way the words are arranged... and, it is now written in my own voice...
I'm gaining in confidence with each article that I write. I'm just about "ready for prime time" :)
Thank you, Mike, for this marvelous tool.
I look forward to trying out the plugins :) Thanks again, Karen
Karen Stavert
Added on 27.12.11
I'm using DFP since a while now. Besides the numerous features that make content creation much easier I'd also like to point out the excellent customer service DFP creator Mike provides.
I had a problem with the installation on one of my computers. Mike, together with his programmers, handled the support issue very professional and in a timely manner. They tirelessly searched for (and found) the root of the problem and were then able to resolve it.
Highly recommended product with outstanding customer service!
Added on 26.12.11

In my humble opinion, there's no other content checking program out there that offers the value that DupeFree Pro does. I rely on this piece of software every time I write content for one of my websites, a blog, an article, etc...
One of the features I like most is the keyword density checker. It's invaluable! Thanks for YOUR continued support for what I'M doing, whether you knew it or not :^).
Added on 26.12.11

I used to use the free version of DupeFree Pro many years ago and I loved it then and I really like it now. That's why when the upgrade became available I bought my copy ASAP, I even tried to be a beta tester.
One of the major reasons I use DupeFree Pro is the ability of this software to be able to detect duplicate content easily, efficiently and quickly. DupeFree Pro ensures that you can always see the modifications made and immediately discover where additional changes are needed.
I just want to thank you guys for your wonderful program like DupeFree Pro and for the time and money you invest in this product to make it my number one choice, no my only choice when come to rewriting articles. DupeFree Pro enables me to easily and efficiently produce an article that will be 100% original.
Added on 25.12.11
I have found DupeFree Pro to be invaluable for offline projects, too. I have been consolidating the various parts of a book I have been writing on different computers over the years. Comparing the notes I wrote one year in Pagestream on an Amiga with the chapters I wrote another year in Ventura, and still other versions in Word and Open Office on different computers and operating systems has been a breeze, and has made this mind-boggling task so much easier after I converted everything from the older programs into .txt files. Thank you!
Added on 15.12.11
I found DupeFree when i was looking for article submitting software on google and i download the trail copy,tested it and founding more than amazing.
One of the major reason i love Dupefree is the ability of this software to be able to detect duplicate content with easy anywhere-like a snap of a finger.
I absolutely love your DupeFree Pro software!
You guys at DupeFree you are the best that has ever happen to article writing.
Thanks and keeping improving.
Added on 14.12.11

Everyone working online knows content is king. Ive been working online as an internet marketer for 8 years now and have bought many programs to help simplify my work, none have come close to DupeFree Pro 2. This program is simple and easy to use yet very powerful, it just seems to help cut through the clutter and help piece things together when writting or re-writting articles. This is a MUST have for ANY serious internet marketer/content producer.
Added on 13.12.11

I was part of the beta group whilst Mike was developing the web based version of his already great first version of Dupe Free Pro. I was very impressed with the speed and consistency of the changes as the product developed into the new intuitive more powerful second version. And now looking at the future planned modules, it is obvious that the investment in this neat piece of kit is just going to get better. Great job Mike!
Added on 13.12.11

For a long time already I use the given program. Better also it is not necessary! It is necessary to consider thus that English language I do not own even within the school program. With Dupe Free does not make the big work to write "new" article in English :-)
Added on 13.12.11
I have made immense use of the product. Yes, it is different from copyscape. Only when you use it the real difference can be realized and enjoy the full benefit from it.
Suresh Krishnan
Added on 13.12.11

DupeFree Pro is very useful for ensuring your content on the Internet is not a copy.
With the importance of keeping your content original DupeFree Pro has emerged as a must have tool for me.
I use other programs to check for duplication, but when I want to pinpoint the content and easily determine where edits must be made I find DupeFree Pro enables me to easily and efficiently produce an article that will be 100% original.
Far exceeding minimum standards of uniqueness.
Added on 13.12.11
DupeFree Pro is really amazing and it works well for me...I will definitely recommend it to my co-freelance writer...
Added on 13.12.11

I have been using the program for over a year and been truly glad that I did. Using this program has really helped in writing my articles. I have used Copyscape but really enjoyed Dupe Free Pro. Great Job!!
Added on 13.12.11

Finding Dupe Free Pro has been a god send. Whether we like it or not, "unconscious plagiarism" is always a risk for writers. Accidentally writing down a phrase we've read before is all too easy. It's nice to be able to write without having to worry about all that. I've been using Dupe Free Pro since Version 1. I have to say that Dupe Free Pro V2 has gone well beyond my expectations and has become central to my business. It's the one thing on my computer I'm almost always running and therefore represents the best value for money out of any software I've ever purchased. But as well as being used all the time, more importantly it gives me the peace of mind to write content quickly, knowing it will give me a quick look at where my keywords are and any duplicate content. It has definitely been a big boost to my productivity.
Added on 12.12.11

At first I thought of DUPEFREEPRO as unnecessary as I was used to simply using Copyscape to check my original was a high percentage. However, I found that in spite of my efforts, when reading and rewriting material it is all too easy to retain a surprising amount of the copied material even when thinking it was all changed.
Dupefreepro ensures that you can always see the changes made and instantly discover where additional changes are needed. What is more the adjustments to originality percentage are so easily made to suit different originality situations. I would not be without it now!
Added on 11.12.11

In seeking to build niche sites with exclusive content and quality I could find in the relief Dupe Free Pro can check if my content is really unique and ensure the success of all my work.
A bright light and that has helped me a lot is to be able to easily find in my articles, sentences and paragraphs in duplicate search engines such as Google, Yahoo/Bing, Teoma/Ask and be able to quickly make the necessary changes and can track real-time percentage in which my article is unique.
Thanks to Dupe Free Pro can say goodbye to duplicate content.
Thank you,
Thiago Moreira (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)
Added on 09.12.11
I started small, with the free version of Dupe Free Pro two years ago.
I needed to be 100% sure my content was 100% original before posting it and DFP made this possible.
If you want original content - and Search Engines LOVE original content - Dupe Free Pro is the way to go.
Added on 09.12.11

There are two key things for which I use DupeFree pro.
I earn my living providing people with a variety of services related to blogging and internet marketing. One of those services is article marketing.
Since I can't really write the articles profitably myself, I do the research, set the agenda and parameters and then hire the work out to a group of writers.
And that leads to the first use. DupeFree Pro makes it simple and pain free to quickly check articles submitted by writers. With new writers it can detect plagiarism and with my established writers it can detect and quickly correct common turns of a thought and allow us to express ourselves more uniquely.
The second use is tracking adoption of articles meant to be shared over time, learning what and where the best seeds for syndication are.
DupeFree Pro saves time, frustration and helps us to create a better product for our clients!
Added on 07.10.11

As an affiliate marketer that builds primarily SEO niche sites, I rely heavily on article marketing and creating new content for my sites.
It's imperative that the articles and content I have written by my ghostwriters are unique and duplicate-free. DupeFree Pro has been an invaluable tool as it allows me to check their work and to ensure I don't get dinged with the dreaded duplicate-content penalty.
Added on 26.07.11

I only recently launched my Internet marketing site and I was concerned about the duplicate content implications for my content.
Although I had written all of the content myself, in the back of my mind was a lingering doubt. Had I memorized the words and phrases from my research, and rewritten them verbatim from my memory without making sufficient changes to escape the duplicate penalty curse. (I have a kind of a photographic memory)
Then I discovered DupeFree Pro and I was able to check all my sites content.
It was a great relief to me that all my sites content was indeed unique and now I will be able to check all my content from now on before I publish it.
Thanks for making it possible for me to have the use of this fantastic tool.
Added on 26.07.11
It makes my work more manageable and way faster too!!! SO in love with this product!!! I have bid my farewell to copyscape!!!
Sethe Concepcion (Manila, Philippines)
Added on 26.07.11
I have downloaded the DupeFree Pro and am using it. It is amazing.
I wish I had known about this earlier. I am a freelance writer and this makes things so much easier.
It is far superior to CopyScape Pro. I have paid big money for things that are not near as helpful as this is. Thank you!!
Penny Lee (United States)
Added on 26.07.11

Awesome product and best alternative to copyscape. It easily allows you to compare documents for duplicate content. You can import any type of document easily from your computer. It clearly displays the number of words, sentences, paragraphs for the two documents that are being compared. Keyword density, duplicate content found features are two very helpful features in DupeFree Pro. I definitely recommend this product if you want duplicate checking software and want to improve your search engine rankings.
Added on 26.07.11
I am grateful to the Warrior Forum member who informed me about your site.
What customers receive from you consists of two parts. I mention first the main page of the website which is full of content about SEO and duplicate content theory and practice - this comprehensive study gives more information than any paid report out there.
The software is easy to use and has two characteristics I prefer:
- use different colors to identify the duplicate words/expressions
- gives perfect data (in percent) of duplicate content.
(It may be an Interesting question how search engines validate the names, title of books, organizations? I compared two articles and finally the percent of duplication was 11.3, consisting only of unchangeable names and titles.)
Added on 26.07.11

I've worked with DupeFree Pro and found it just fantastic and so easy to handle, which I am so grateful for.
Natalya Galkina (Ukraine)
Added on 26.07.11
I think DupeFree Pro is cool.
The first time I used it I got down to 16% unique content on my article. It took a bit of work on my part of course but it took a lot less time than if I had re-written the article without DupeFree Pro.
Added on 26.07.11
After using a few websites searching for duplicated stuff the DupeFree Pro software met my needs with great success. It not only precisely calculates the identity of the pages of the site but which is so important highlights the identical places with different colors. Thus correction can be made with less efforts from the author's side.
Thanks DupeFree for your Free great product! Keep up your good work!
Added on 26.07.11

Just wanted to drop you a note thanking you for providing exceptional service to the IM community. I have been using DupeFreePro for a couple of years with total satisfaction.
What I love most about the application is the ability to determine keyword density, the ability to visualize articles side by side, the color coded high lighting of words and paragraphs that are similar, and evaluation of articles determining there percent of likeness. Say goodbye to duplicate content forever!
Added on 26.07.11
Would like to say a big THANKS! to the DupeFree Pro software team.
I recently started my journey into internet marketing. I had outsourced some article copyrighting, and DupeFree Pro is a perfect fit for checking my content written purchases.
Thank you!
Added on 26.07.11

I would like to say I don't know how I got by without DupeFree Pro all this time. I love it and will be a client forever. I use DupeFree Pro to help me in my article marketing, here's how I do it.
I take major points from an article that's already posted to my website and place it in DupeFree Pro. Then I copy that same one into the next window. Then I change it majorly by telling it in a whole new way. I have to admit that DupeFree Pro helps my mind focus and I come up with a whole new article completely different from the other side. I read that with DupeFree Pro I should try to go for 5 percent duplicate, I make it a competition with the program to go lower. I have gotten it down to a mere 1.5 percent at times, ha. Once I am done with that and I have one article, I erase the original article, copy and paste my new article into the first window and make a whole new one from that; then I do it again. Once I have 3 extra articles I cross-reference check my original article with the other three and they are always between 1-4 percent dupe and I am off.
I was waiting and looking for DupeFree Pro for the last 2 years. I have one program that's pretty good but it didn't have the two window option checker so now I use the other program and then DupeFree Pro and I have everything I need. I have no need now to look for other programs. I am so glad I bumped into the page that lead me to DupeFree Pro.
Added on 26.07.11
I can't thank you enough for DupeFree Pro. I've been using it for about a month now, and it is a great help. Thanks again.
Linda (Missouri USA)
Added on 26.07.11
I just want to thank you guys for your wonderful program. I am a very prolific article writer and I sometimes feel as if all I do is rewrite my original material to avoid dupes. Trouble is, I tend to virtually rewrite the whole thing and that takes longer than the original article.
What I have learned from your program is that I can now save many hours in my week for original article writing and spend a lot less time stressing about dupes.
Thank you guys, this is a great program.
Added on 26.07.11

I would have expected to pay big $$$ for an application that compares rewritten articles with the original to ensure the search engines do not recognize them as duplicates. DupeFree Pro rocks. Not only does it calculate the percentage of duplicate content for articles that you have saved on your computer, it connects to the internet and checks for duplicate content with the big 3 search engines. Brilliant! There are some other cool functions like calculating the keyword density for your articles. You should take it for a spin!
Added on 26.07.11

I began serious article submission only about two weeks ago, and immediately realized that I didn't know enough about duplicate content and its consequences to be comfortable with what I was doing.
In my research I came across DupeFree Pro, read the sales page and downloaded it.
After a few minutes of familiarization (it's that easy to learn) I realized how powerful it is, and a feeling of relief and amazement swept over me.
I now use DupeFree Pro at every step of article creation, from research gathering to writing, re-writing, and submission. It's hard to express the feeling of confidence it gives, knowing for sure that my articles will be working for me, not damaging my efforts.
As I mentioned, it's ridiculously easy to use, yet flexible and fast. You can check for duplicate content on the internet for a whole article, random sentences (snippets, as Google does), and individual sentences. Or, compare originals to re-writes. It takes just seconds to accomplish any of these tasks. I don't use PLR articles, but can't imagine doing so without running them through DupeFree Pro.
It's so refreshing to find a product that solves a serious problem, delivers what it promises. I can't recommend this application highly enough. Thanks Guys!
Added on 26.07.11

I am writing to tell you how impressed I am with DupeFree Pro. I just started using the program and it is awesome!!!!!
I write articles and have to check articles which may be close to the subject, I am writing about. The easy to use interface, is so well thought out and is real functional when breaking apart essays and assignments, then comparing the changes I have made.
The ability to easily obtain keyword density percentages, makes SEO optimizing of articles easier than other programs I have used. Yes, I am a very pleasantly content user of this program.
I would highly recommend using this product. It is more than worth it.
Wether or not you write professionally, or only write for college or high school it will prove to be a valuable tool, on your computer system. Kooodoooo's to the developers of this awesome product/program.
Added on 26.07.11
I am thrilled using your most versatile DupeFree Pro which I am already enjoying its genuine benefits.
I must say that it is user friendly software which has multiple options.
Its –SEO- search engine optimizer gives many tangible benefits experienced using DupeFree.
I loaded some of my SEO articles – one at a time, and in couple of seconds it gave very accurate, consistently reliable output.
It confirms originality of the SEO Articles. It defines word content, number of sentences, and paragraphs in the loaded article. I am certain it exposes Plagiarism, if any, in the Article.
After these tests, I confidently submitted my test article in Website. The results were matching with DFP, and my article was approved.
The proof is my Article submitted in ContentCurrent approved my Article.
Gangolly Dinkar Rao. (Mangalore, India)
Added on 26.07.11
I did want to let you know how much this software is like... well ...the words... "WOW" ...and "Oh my gosh" were my first impression... LOL
I looked for a tool like this about 6 months ago. I just couldn't find anything that would work for me, let alone even comes close to the capabilities of this one. I write product reviews for affiliate marketing and spend a lot of time writing articles. Original content is a must when trying to place high in the search engines. I have to say that this software was an eye-opener & a jaw-dropper for me. I will be reviewing all my product sites with the DFP software and I'm sure it is going to make a big difference, especially with the Big G making all their changes. Thanks so much for making this software available...
Added on 25.07.11
I have a article writer via odesk from Egypt. I was testing her abilities by giving her an article to re-write 3 times and make sure they were all 30% or less duplicate content. She submitted her first article and I plugged it into the program and her duplicate rating was 48%. I sent her a screen shot showing her the result and suggested she get your software.
Well, she Emailed back that she got the the program and said the following when she sent the articles to me:
"That program is really handy! It makes all the difference in the world."
Also your customer service is another great selling point!
Added on 25.07.11
I just wanted to drop you a line to let you know that I think DupeFree Pro is fantastic!
I now use it every day and it has helped me a lot.
So I just wanted to say a great big thank you.
David Crow (UK)
Added on 25.07.11

I am constantly in the need to rewrite articles for different purposes. As I was poking around the Internet looking for some kind of duplicate-checking software, I came across DupeFree Pro.
Skeptical of it claiming to have so many features and be easy to use, I downloaded knowing I could get if off my computer if it did not live up to its claim.
Boy did it ever live up to its claims. It is so powerful and easy to use. All I did was copy and pasted my original and rewritten article and I immediately received what I was looking for: the percentage of duplicate content.
Do you know how much work this saves me? No, of course not. But it is a LOT.
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
Added on 25.07.11
I was using another article compare tool which I thought was pretty good, until it began to have some problems and I started to look elsewhere. This is when i found DupeFree Pro and man am I glad I did.
DupeFree Pro is far superior to the one I was using in every way.
I love the fact that you can specify how many words to search for and whether or not it spans the end of a sentence. Fantastic!
I stopped using the other product and I am a big fan now of DupeFree Pro. I would not be without it. I use it to proof my articles that I re-write and it is a pleasure to work with and an invaluable tool. Get it today!
Added on 25.07.11
I have been using DFP for some time now and I just wanted to tell you that it's indeed a very useful tool. I mainly check the work of my writers for uniqueness and the tool really saves me a lot of time.
Thanks for creating such a great software tool.
Keep it up.
Added on 25.07.11

My name is Tom Dunn, owner of
My primary method of generating traffic is Article Marketing, so it's very important to me to avoid posting duplicate content as much as possible. DupeFree Pro gives me the ability to do just that, quickly and easily.
When you write and post as many articles as I do, having a quality tool like DupeFree Pro is a real time and work saver.
Thanks DupeFree Pro!
Added on 25.07.11

I am a senior this year in high school and will be attending NMSU in the fall under a full golf scholarship.
I have been putting websites together for income while attending school. My dad told me about your site and wow, is this software great. I rewrite PLR articles and other stuff and the software points me right where the problems could be for duplicate content.
I rewrite, run the software and when I have the % that I am looking for, I am done.
No more guessing if I did a good job. No more guessing if I am going to have a problem with duplicate content.
Thanks for the great product.
Added on 25.07.11
I just wanted to express my appreciation for the outstanding product, support and technical expertise that we have received from DupeFree Pro.
We highly recommend DupeFree Pro to any potential clients or customers.
Thanks again DupeFree Pro - keep up the good work.
Suzanne Langley (QLD, Australia)
Added on 25.07.11

I have just started using my new DupeFree Pro software, and have found it to be invaluable.
I use a lot of PLR articles, and always do a complete re-write to avoid duplicate content. However, even with the best of intentions, duplicate content sometimes gets through without me realising it.
This software will do all this checking for me - it's priceless.
Added on 25.07.11

Up until recently I used DupeFree Pro because it helped me correctly rewrite the PLR articles that I buy. By "correctly", I mean that I monitored my keyword density and article length. That was the bare-bones purpose for my using DupeFree Pro. Then I discovered the DupeFree help files and realized what a doofus I was, I wasn't using the program to half it's capabilities.
Now I use DupeFree Pro for the following EXTRA reasons:
To help me find latent semantic indexing (LSI) relevant keywords and phrases. A real time-saver.
To help me measure with pinpoint accuracy how much different my rewritten article is from the original PLR article I'm working with.
To help me avoid duplicate content penalties by canvassing the Internet looking for similar copies of my article.
To search the Internet and sniff out scumbags who plagiarize my content.
To highlight keywords or phrases with color to give me a visual check of keyword density and distribution.
By the time I'm done rewriting my articles I know they are search engine optimized and ready for prime-time use on my websites or in article directories. DupeFree Pro belongs in everyone's top ten list of must-have programs.
Added on 25.07.11

A mentor at a membership forum I belong to suggested the DupeFree Pro program. At first I was skeptical because there are many 'useless' programs out there. But after downloading DupeFree Pro and putting it to work, I'm very pleased with the outcome.
I use PLR articles. I wish I'd known about this program before. It would've saved my time before I had to re-submitted my rejected articles because of duplicate contents reason.
Again, thank you, I'm forever grateful.
Lily Boynton (WA, USA)
Added on 25.07.11

I downloaded DupeFree Pro yesterday and I'm beyond delighted. Today, I wrote one original article, then quickly created seven other articles that won't trigger Google's duplicate-finding mechanisms. I'm usually a slow writer. For me to turn out eight articles in one day is unheard of.
I've also realized that I need to revise my many articles that are here and there online. DupeFree Pro is pointing out the problem areas.
DupeFree Pro is going to put extra money in my pocket and who doesn't like that idea!?
Added on 25.07.11
Thanks to DupeFree Pro, I can now post ads on C.L. & write more articles as D.F.P. makes the task A LOT easier. D.F.P. is definitely the BEST article comparison software out there!
Added on 25.07.11
I'm very impressed with your DupeFree Pro Software!
I had a wonderful article to submit. One of the major article banks for ezines refused to accept it because of duplicate content. I then hand rewrote it and submitted again but, still no luck.
Searching the Internet I knew that spinning would not be good enough. So I found and got your product and did the "Compare" between original article and my own rewrite. I didn't expect what I saw: still over 65% similarity exactly pinpointed all over. This pinpointing is out of this world. No more guesswork at all. So I knew exactly what had to change still. Eventually I brought it down to less than 4% similarity.
It goes without saying that my article was consequently accepted - I'm so pleased. I then submitted it to numerous additional article banks knowing it will not be refused for duplicate content thanks to your wonderful DupeFree Pro!
The other outstanding feature is, you can see how many times a paragraph or phrase in your article comes up in the search engines by the click of a button. Can it get any better?
Thank you very much indeed and the best of luck to you!
Joerg Rauh (Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany)
Added on 25.07.11

DupeFree Pro is a very powerful but simple tool to work with, for anyone looking to create new unique content from PLR articles.
It's a great bonus to be able to send the software to the ghostwriters doing my article re-writes. This saves a lot of time, because both the writer and myself can see 'exactly' how unique the articles are.
Great job!
Added on 25.07.11

I'm a brand new user of DupeFree Pro, in fact I stumbled upon the product name entirely by accident.
I happened to be on a popular forum looking for reviews or feedback on an article rewriter application when someone said they used DupeFree Pro to analyze the rewriter output.
So, I did a quick Google search and downloaded DupeFree Pro and was immediately impressed with the analytics.
I had been looking for something that would check duplicate content, as well as keyword density, but had almost forgot about it until I read the forum post.
I had just finished six articles and was anxious to spin off multiple versions for publication across a variety of directories, but had no practical way to measure duplication.
Now that I had DupFree Pro, I decided to spin ten versions of one of the articles and analyze the rewritten content.
It took less than 15 seconds to spin an article and check the percentage of duplication.
It really turned out to be quite a work saver by turning an impossible task into a really easy process.
Many thanks to the developers.
Added on 25.07.11
I am building content sites in the health market and providing reams of articles on a variety of subjects.
Your software is a boon as it now allows me to quickly check my content to ensure I'm not using someone elses material as my own.
Thanks a million.
Added on 25.07.11

I have found DupeFree Pro to be an invaluable tool in assisting me to determine the duplicate content when writing several articles on the same subject. I was quite amazed how much overlap content there was.
DupeFree Pro enabled me to confidently re-write articles multiple times with non-duplicated content. It was a real eye opener.
Added on 25.07.11
You guys have outdone yourselves. This is a great tool.
This little program is going to save me soooo much time. Thank you.
Added on 25.07.11
DupeFree Pro saves me so much time and no more headache. Thanks guys!
Added on 25.07.11
Have to confess I had not even heard of DupeFree Pro till two days ago. Then I got it and its simply amazing. The most useful tool for a freelance writer like me. It helps me with the keyword density and with the variations that I need to come up with. I know I'm going to be thanking you guys in my prayers every night.
Added on 25.07.11

To say DupeFree Pro is GREAT would be a gross understatement! DupeFree Pro is positively SUPER - a simple yet powerful tool NO serious content producer can do without! DupeFree Pro has made producing content so much easier.
I love:- the matching colors that allow me to visually check my work - the ability to set the level of comparisons from a single word to whole paragraphs - the left-right pane that allows me to type in one pane with the original content just beside!
Added on 25.07.11

As a newbie trying PLR for the 1st time, I was really knocked out by DupeFree Pro.
Using DupeFree with PLR articles, I saw my very 1st PLR site rocket to #1 on Google in only 3 days!!
But it was the following week, when I came to do my 1st "commercial" site that I REALLY saw how powerful DupeFree Pro is.
I had re-written every PLR article on that site from beginning to end, crammed with original additional material - I'm a former smoker myself - so I only ran DupeFree Pro 'just in case'.
To my amazement, in the first article I checked, there were 6 paragraphs where identical sentences showed up on from 9 to 17 Adsense sites, despite my total re-write! Without DupeFree Pro I might have been penalised for duplicate content anyway. But it only took me 7 minutes to rewrite those specific sentences, and then I knew that I was safe...
Anastasia St Raphael (Glasgow, UK)
Added on 25.07.11

We run various niche content web sites. We started an article site as a resource to gather articles for our other niche content sites and newsletters. Our editors all use copies of DupeFree for a few reasons:
- we use the feature that allows us to check on-line for duplicate content. This is a nice feature since we pay many freelancers for articles and spot-checking all freelancers and checking carefully all new freelance editors is a must. This has enhanced this policy.
- our editors and freelancers often take article ideas from our websites and create new stories. DupeFree allows us to plug in various content sources, edit and review with ease.
Added on 25.07.11
I just want to take this opportunity to thank you guys, not only for offering a sensationally effective program (I absolutely LOVE
DupeFree Pro!), but also for the time you take in providing us with this kind of education. I can hardly believe you aren't charging the proverbial
arm-and-a-leg for all this.
Thank you again. DupeFree Pro was recommended to me by a buyer in Sussex, UK, with whom I worked as an editor through I am forever grateful to him, and to you.
Betsy Gordon (La Jolla, California, USA)
Added on 25.07.11

I just wanted to let you know that I absolutely love your DupeFree Pro software! This is a godsend for all Article Marketers regardless of whether they're using PLR Articles or not.
I love that you included a "word-count" feature and a tool that checks for "keyword-density." Having everything in one place is such a timesaver!
Added on 25.07.11

This software is very easy to use. It takes the pain out of ensuring you are providing duplicate free content on your website.